Beef Burrito with FairPrice Butcher’s Marinade

Serving 4
Preparation Time 20 mins
Skill Easy

250g Beef Tenderloin, marinated with FairPrice Butcher’s Marinade
4 pcs Tortilla Wrap
4 tbsp Sour Cream
4 tbsp Avocado (mashed)
4 tbsp Pico De Gallo
8 leaves Lettuce

1 Tomato (chopped)
1 tbsp Purple Onion (chopped)
2 tbsp Bell Peppers (chopped)
1 stalk Coriander
Juice from ½ Lime
Pinch of Salt, Black Pepper, Mixed Herbs

  1. Mix all ingredients for the pico de gallo, and adjust seasonings to taste. Set aside.
  2. Stir-fry beef with olive oil till just cooked.
  3. Place a piece of tortilla wrap on a plate, add lettuce, avocado, pico de gallo, beef, sour cream & finally lettuce again.
  4. Roll up the burrito tightly. Ready to eat.

Recipe by Meg Tan

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