Pulut Hitam Panna Cotta

Serving 3 pax
Preparation Time 1 hr
Skill Easy

Pulut Hitam:

100g Black Glutinous Rice (soaked for 40 mins prior)
470ml Water
1 Pandan Leaf (tied into a knot)
3 tbsp Black Sugar

Coconut Panna Cotta:

300ml Coconut Cream
90ml Water
3 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla Essence (optional)
2 tsp Gelatin Powder
1 ½ tbsp Water

For Garnish:

Puffed Rice
Coconut Shavings


To make the coconut panna cotta:

  1. Combine gelatin and water in a small bowl and let it sit for 5 mins until the water is fully absorbed.
  2. Combine the remaining ingredients in a saucepan and bring it to a low simmer over medium-low heat.
  3. Remove from heat and add in gelatin, whisking until fully dissolved. Strain mixture and evenly distribute it to each cup, leaving a gap from the rim. Refrigerate for 2 hours or until set.

To make the pulut hitam:

  1. Combine all ingredients except the sugar in a saucepan with a lid and bring to a strong simmer over medium-high heat. Cover and cook for 45 mins or until rice is soft and tender.
  2. Check every 5 mins to prevent bottom burning and add sufficient water. It should have the consistency of thick porridge and tender grains when ready. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature (otherwise the heat will melt the panna cotta).
  3. Spoon the prepared pulut hitam over the panna cotta and garnish with coconut shavings and puffed rice.

*This is the first recipe of a 3-part series: 1 Ingredient, 3 Kueh. Find the other two recipes here: Kueh Jagung & Kueh Dadar Crepe Cake.

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