Teochew Steamed Chinese Pomfret

Serving 3
Preparation Time 5 mins
Skill Easy

500g Chinese Pomfret
1 medium Tomato (sliced)
2 Salted Plums
1 piece Pickled Mustard (sliced)
1 thumb sized Ginger (julienned)
3 Dried Mushrooms (soaked and sliced)
Seasoning – Light Soy Sauce/ Chinese Wine
Garnish – Spring Onions/ Goji Berries

  1. Clean and pat the fish dry. Make a few slits on each side of the fish. (This is to ensure the fish will cook faster and evenly.)
  2. Place tomatoes, mushrooms, ginger, pickled mustard and salted plums on top of the fish. (To prevent the fish from sticking to the dish, you can place some ginger slices under the fish). Add seasoning to fish.
  3. Steam the fish at medium-high heat for about 13 to 15 minutes (depending on the size of the fish) or until cooked.
  4. Garnish with spring onions and goji berries.

Recipe by Doreen Quek

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