Healthier banana bread

Banana bread is a classic dish we all know for being both delicious and convenient. It makes perfect breakfasts on-the-go and after-school snacks, but like most delicious cakes, we tend to over-indulge on them. Instead of having to control the amount of cake your kids eat, we suggest you try baking a healthier version of this classic treat. Here are five tips that will ensure your bread is lower in fat and sugar and higher in grains and fibres.

Replace baking flour with whole grain flour

For starters, swap half the amount of baking flour with whole grain flour. Once you are used to this new flour, replace all flour with whole   wheat flour or spelt flour. Whole grain and spelt flour will provide you with the fibre and vitamins you are looking for.

Swap oil and butter with milk or yoghurt

Instead of using oil or butter in your recipe, try using low fat milk or plain yoghurt instead. They work surprisingly well with banana bread and you can always try them with other muffin and bread recipes.

Replace sugar with honey or natural unprocessed sugar

The simplest way to cut down on sugar is to reduce the amount of sugar in recipes. But if you do not want to compromise the taste of banana bread, you can always use alternatives. We suggest cutting down the sugar amount by 2/3 and adding in honey or swapping your usual sugar with natural unprocessed sugar.

Add fruits and nuts

You can add flavours to your favourite banana bread by adding extra ingredients such as strawberries, pears and almonds. Adding more fruits increases your vitamin intake while almonds provide protein and healthy fats for your body. Walnuts are a healthy option too and contain antioxidants and vitamin E.

Finish off with a less fattening glaze

You can do with or without the glaze, but if you do, mix a tablespoon of honey, brown sugar and cinnamon and spread lightly over the top. Sprinkle some oats if you have any and you’re good to go!

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