Sad that you can’t scream for ice cream like everyone else?
Whether you’re looking to avoid dairy or pack on the protein, there’s an ice cream to suit every diet that you may be on. Get all the scoop on our top recommendations for these 4 common diets!
If you’re looking to go dairy-free…
Sorbets are the perfect dairy-free sweet treat to add on your grocery list! This frozen delight contains just fruit and sugar. Interestingly, more sugar is often used because it’s the only way to counteract the tartness of certain citrus fruits like lemon and lime¹.
Fun fact: The intense, yet light and refreshing fruity flavour is often used as a traditional palate cleanser² in restaurants — particularly after fatty foods!

Lime Mojito Sorbet
Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream

Strawberry Sorbet
Bunnie Bash
If you’re looking to go vegan…
Vegans can scream for ice cream too! Most vegan ice cream brands have successfully used plant-based oat and nut milks with a substantial amount of fat as their base. Greater advancements in technology, however, have seen the rise of other ingredients such as avocado being used as a base for vegan ice cream.
In fact, avocados are rich in “good” monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) that can benefit cardiovascular health³ and be the perfect fat substitute to replicate the familiar creamy texture of traditional ice creams⁴!

Avocado Ice Cream – No Sugar Added
If you’re looking to go ketogenic…
The true ketogenic diet can be confusing to some because of it’s unclear intentions or end-goal. Also known as “keto”, keto diets are low-carb diets⁵. However, unlike other low-carb diets which focus on protein, a keto plan focuses on fat to supply as much as 90% of daily calories⁶.
As such, keto ice creams do still contain high-fat dairy products such as cream. It may also include low-calorie natural sweeteners such as monkfruit extract.
Keto-friendly crushed almond butter cookies and caramel sauce with added fibre? Give the pint to us already! This is also suitable for diabetics, so it’s a great option to enjoy in moderation without the fear of spiking your blood sugar levels.

Keto Gelato – Salted Caramel with Crushed Cookies
If you’re looking to go high-protein…
High-protein ice creams have seen a significant increase in popularity over the years. However, not all protein is created equal — whey protein, for example, is more than just protein. Whey also contains many other nutrients, some with potent biological effects⁶! Not only does Light Whey’s Vanilla Flavoured Ice Cream contain 22.5 grams of high quality whey protein, but also has no added sugar and is low in fat and carbohydrates! It’s suitable for vegetarians too.

Vanilla Ice Cream Cup
Light Whey
We hope that these ice creams have shown you that it’s possible to fill the cone-shaped void in your soul!
¹ OpenRice SG 2013, Gelato vs ice cream vs sorbet: who’s who?, viewed 5 July 2021
² Masterclass 2020, Guide to classic palate cleansers with 4 examples, viewed 5 July 2021
³ Baton Rouge General 2018, Are avocados good for your heart?, Mayo Clinic Care Network, viewed 8 July 2021
⁴ Ervina, I Surjawan & E Abdillah, The potential of avocado paste (Persea americana) as fat substitute in non-dairy ice cream, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 102 012006, viewed 5 July 2021
⁵ Mawer, R 2020, The ketogenic diet: a detailed beginner’s guide to keto, Healthline, viewed 8 July 2021
⁶ Harvard Medical School 2020, Should you try the keto diet?, Harvard Health Publishing, viewed 5 July 2021
⁷ Gunnars, K 2018, Whey protein 101: the ultimate beginner’s guide, Healthline, viewed 6 July 2021